Russia's Pivot to Asia

Ethiopia Calls For Alternative BRICS Monetary System

BRICS, Finance

The Ethiopian Ambassador to Russia, Cham Ugala Uriat has said that the BRICS members should work together to strengthen their economies, and create an alternative international monetary system, including an alternative to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He specifically stated that the Shanghai-based New Development Bank (NDB), established by the BRICS states and opened for […]

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89% Of Microchips Exported To Russia Come From China

China, Trade

The sanctions imposed by the United States, which aimed to disrupt Russia’s military capabilities by limiting its access to advanced chips are only having limited results. While Russian entities can no longer get chips directly from American, European, Japanese, and Taiwanese companies, Russia continues to obtain advanced processors mainly through indirect channels, primarily involving Chinese

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Russia and Iran: The Trade and Investment Dynamics Amid A Potential Regional War

BRICS, Eurasian Economic Union, Trade

In many ways Russia and Iran find themselves in a similar geo-strategic position. Both are heavily sanctioned by the West and pursue a set of policies which aim at bolstering their respective influence on their regional, if not global stage. They also work to diminish the collective West’s ability to shape the world order and

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MIR Mali

Mali To Use Russia’s MIR Payment System

Finance, Trade

In further signs that the Europe-Africa dynamics are changing, Mali, which has recently cancelled colonial-era agreements with France, has said that the country is interested in using Russia’s MIR payments system. Badra Alou Coulibaly, the West African nation’s general controller of public services, said that the move will strengthen the existing “significant level” of cooperation

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Eurasian Economic Union Industrial Production Up 6.6%

Economy, Eurasian Economic Union, Trade

Despite Western sanctions on Russia and the threat of sanctions being levied upon several Central Asian countries, industrial production in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) increased by 6.6% in January-February of this year, the press service of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) reported on Tuesday. The ECC is the management board of the EAEU. Industrial

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Russian Car-Sharing Service Opens Sourcing Office In Shanghai

China, Foreign Investment, Trade

The auto fleet servicing subsidiary of Russian carsharing service Delimobil , Smart Mobility Management LLC (SMM) opened an office in China this year for direct purchases of spare parts, the company reported in notes to its financial statements for 2023. The office was opened in Shanghai to “look for new counterparties, partners, investors and establish

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This Weeks Russia-China Foreign Ministers Meetings: Results & Analysis

BRICS, China, Trade

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov completed a two-day visit to Beijing on Tuesday, where he met both Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and President Xi Jinping. In many ways, his trip was preparation for the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China, whose plans were confirmed by the Kremlin on the same day. During

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Russia Warming To China’s Belt & Road Initiative Projects

BRICS, China, Logistics & Transport

When Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the Belt and Road Initiative over a decade ago, Russia’s Vladimir Putin was not enthusiastic about the massive infrastructure drive moving into his country’s “backyard”. Moscow saw landlocked former Soviet countries in Central Asia, such as Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, as within its orbit and the belt and road as

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