
A New European Country In The Making? An Introduction To Republika Srpska


A little commented on issue in Western Europe is the significant possibility that Republika Srpska, currently part of Bosnia & Herzegovina (BiH), may shortly declare independence. Part of the former Yugoslavia, Republika Srpska is one of the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the other being the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is located

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Russian and European Intellects Are Moving Apart


Recent speeches and comments made by several Russian politicians and academics reveal that Russian society is moving away from its European counterparts and subsequently developing a separate character. We have already featured comments made by Russia’s new defense Minister, Andrei Belousov as well as Russian intellectual Aleksander Dugin in which both mention recent differences in

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Strategic Development Comments From Andrey Belousov, Russia’s New Defense Minister

Miscellaneous, Trade

Andrey Belousov, a former Deputy Prime Minister, has been appointed as Russia’s new Minister of Defense. Belousov is a longstanding member of the Russian political elite who has held important government positions for the past 20 years. He is the first civilian to hold the post, and has spent most of his career working as

Strategic Development Comments From Andrey Belousov, Russia’s New Defense Minister Read More »



Our Look Back At Some Of The Weeks Most Bizarre & Cool Russo Moments The UK’s Premium Stolen Cars Are All Going To Russia. Probably. A completely biased article from the UK Daily Mail who blame UK car thefts on Russians and that only 4 Policemen in the entire country check outbound shipping containers. That




Our Look Back At Some Of The Weeks Most Bizarre & Cool Russo Moments An Explosive Co-Incidence? Three weapons manufacturing units handling arms for Ukraine have suffered unexpected explosions. A British Aerospace munitions factory in Wales blew up while a munitions factory in Pennysylvania caught fire both this week. These follow an incident in Texas


Russia’s Pivot To Asia – Complimentary Download

Economy, Foreign Investment, Miscellaneous, Trade

Our much-praised Russia’s Pivot To Asia PDF Guide is now available for download. This comprehensive book contains details of Russia’s trade and development with over 80 countries as well as analysis on new supply chain routes, trade agreements, and Russia’s involvement with the BRICS, EAEU, SCO and Belt & Road Initiative. Contents include: Russia &

Russia’s Pivot To Asia – Complimentary Download Read More »



Our Look Back At Some Of The Weeks Most Bizarre Or Cool Russo Moments Earthworms Globally Produce As Much Grain As Russia Earthworms’ contribution to the world’s grain harvest matches that of Russia, according to a study by Nature Communications highlighting the creatures enormous role in food production. The worms help produce 140 million tonnes


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