Our Look Back At Some Of The Weeks Most Bizarre Russo Political Moments

US-Russia Manure Trading Bourse Opens

It’s been great to see sensible adult dialogue is back in vogue, with White House National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby stating that Russian comments about the appalling attack on Crocus City reminded him of what his uncle, a small farm owner in Florida used to tell him. “He used to say that the best manure salesmen often carried their samples in their mouths,” Kirby said. “Russian officials seem to be pretty good manure salesmen.” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova responded in a social media post that “We don’t have such proverbs in Russia, because they carry manure in their mouths over the ocean, and not here. This explains why the expression ‘to wash one’s mouth out with soap’ is so popular in the United States.”

Luxury Skiing In North Korea

The DPRK has been gearing up for Russian tourists who can now take direct flights Vladivostok-Pyongyang and enjoy the powder. At a time when Europe suffered this winter due to a lack of snow, Far East Asia offers alternatives. RPA has visited North Korea, its worth a trip. The poverty commented on however is partially because of sanctions – the US never forgot who won the Korean War. But snow doesn’t fall exclusively on democracies. An advert promoting the skiing can be seen here. Prices are from ₽70,000.

A Gentleman In Moscow

A heads up that “A Gentleman In Moscow”, Amor Towles’s 2016 novel about a Russian aristocrat sentenced to live in the Metropol Hotel in the early 1920’s has been made into a film series starring Ewan MacGregor. The trailer can be viewed here.

Zelensky Turns Down Mass-Media Global Marketing Opportunity

The Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky has somewhat uncharacteristically turned down the opportunity for reaching out to a mass global audience, in rebuffing requests for an interview with US media personality / quasi journalist Tucker Carlson. Carlson’s last interview of note was with Russian President Vladimir Putin, obtaining views of about 1.2 billion. He had intended to ask Zelensky why he thought the United States should continue funding Ukraine. Calls and requests to Zelensky and the Presidential Press Office for a similar interview to that with Putin went unanswered. 

London’s Woke Royal Festival Hall 

London’s Royal Festival Hall held a programme that included some Russian repertoire on Wednesday, under the baton of Maxim Emelyanychev. His bio, as described in the concert programme, omitted to mention he is Russian, while Tchaikovsky’s name was spelt in the Polish style: “Tchaikowski”. Glinka’s overture to “Ruslan & Ludmilla” was played along with Rachmaninov’s “The Rock”. Neither were described as Russian composers, while introductions to Russian poetry mispronounced Lermontov’s surname. Is that cancel culture or just plain bad manners? We expected rather more from anything labelled as British and Royal. 

Paris’s Ex-Lovers

The Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo has treated Russia like a former husband invited to his ex’s second wedding. For the sake of peace, you can come. But please don’t. “I want to say to the Russian and Belarusian athletes that they aren’t welcome in Paris.” Hidalgo said. But then again when have any tourists ever been welcome in Paris, let alone athletes?  Besides, who wants a welcome from Anne Hidalgo? Her city is full of bedbugs and she looks as if she’s constantly chewing a wasp.  

Food For Thought

What we’ve been listening too:
Igor Balakirev: Three Sisters  

Keep Safe. And have a great weekend!

Russia’s Pivot To Asia

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