Greater Tumen Initiative Plans Regional Eco-Tourism Development

The Changbai Mountains on the border of China and Korea
The Changbai Mountains on the border of China and Korea

The four countries participating in the Greater Tumen Initiative have agreed to come up with a joint collection of promising eco-tourism routes, and there are plans to issue it in 2024, the press service for the Russian Economic Development Ministry has said. Nikita Kondratyev, director of the Department of Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Special Projects, commented that “It is planned that the collection will be issued in 2024. It will include some 50 eco-tourism routes on the territory of Russia, China, Mongolia, and Korea.”

The collection will be distributed among representatives of the tourist businesses of the participating countries and clients of tourist agencies, the ministry said.

The development of these eco routes will speed up the promotion of domestic tourism potential with an emphasis on Siberia and the Far East and will boost awareness among the tourist community of prospective and already existing eco-tourism projects in Northeast Asia.

The Greater Tumen Initiative is a mechanism of intergovernmental cooperation in Northeast Asia supported by the United Nations Development Program which comprises China, South Korea, Mongolia, and Russia.

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