India’s UDM Nestors Investing in Dairy Production In Izhevsk SEZ

UDM Nestors LLC plans to invest ₽946 million (US$10.1 million) in the construction of a milk processing plant in the Izhevsk special economic zone (SEZ) that is being created in Udmurtia, the regional government said in an order posted on its website. The project is expected to be operational by 2028 and is the most recent in a trend of Indian investors committing to the Russian market.

The project is expected to pay for itself in 70 months. UDM Nestors was founded in Izhevsk last December and its core business is “production of milk (other than raw) and dairy products,” according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The company is owned by its director, Indian citizen Jalan Prashant.

The Izhevsk SEZ is being created in the Zavyalovsky district and will have an area of 190 hectares, the Udmurtia Development Corporation said on its website. Russia’s SEZ’s ned to be based on the Chinese model and offer tax-free status for typically five years, plus lower utilities charges. New Delhi is currently negotiating a Free Trade Agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union, which includes Russia. 

Further Reading

Russia Could Become India’s Largest Wheat Supplier in 2024 / 25

Indian Pharma Investor To Manufacture Medical Supplies In Russia’s Far East

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