Putin Planning To Visit Vietnam

The Russian President, Vladimir Putin, is currently planning a trip to Vietnam, with dates expected to be confirmed by the Kremlin shortly. The trip will likely occur in mid-late summer.

Russia has a Free Trade Agreement with Vietnam via the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Current bilateral trade is running at about US$3 billion.   

Bilateral trade between Russia and Vietnam reached a record high of US$7.1 billion in 2021, an increase of 25.91% (US$1.46 billion) compared to 2020. However, due to sanctions imposed on Russia as a result of the Ukraine conflict, the bilateral trade volume has halved. Both sides will be looking to get mutual trade and investment ties back on track.

A comprehensive analysis of Russia/Vietnam trade can be seen in our 2024 Russia’s Pivot To Asia guide, which is a complimentary download and can be accessed in English here and Russian here.  read

Further Reading 

Russia, Vietnam, Launch Direct Rail Service Via China
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