Rosatom Wins Contract To Enrich Brazilian Uranium    


Russia’s nuclear energy state corporation, Rosatom, has won a Brazilian tender to provide conversion and enrichment services for domestically produced uranium, according to the companies press service, which stated the contract signed by Rosatom with the Brazilian state company Industrias Nucleares do Brasil (INB) is “worth around US$40 million.” It is expected that Brazilian uranium will be processed at Russian enterprises.

Rosatom said that it provides Brazil with an “enriched uranium product used for making fuel for the Angra NPP. The new contract opens up prospects of further expanding the cooperation, including increasing the volumes of enriched-uranium shipments.”

The Angra Nuclear Power Plant is Brazil’s only nuclear power plant, and is located at Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro. In 2022, Internexco GmbH, a subsidiary of Rosatom’s nuclear materials exporting company Tenex, and INB agreed on shipments of enriched-uranium products. The contract is for supplying the Angra NPP with the fuel for the period 2023-2027.

Further Reading

Russia’s Energy Exports To Brazil Up 4,600% in 2023  

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