Russia Ships First Animal Pet Feed Products To Iraq


The Russian animal feed producer, CJSC SK Korocha, from Kursk has shipped its first batch of feed for non-productive animals to Iraq, according to the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)’s offices for the Oryol and Kursk regions.

Russian exporters across the country have been actively looking for new markets to the East following sanctions imposed upon them by the West. Some of these are previously unexplored markets such as Iraq, however the country has a population of 46 million and consumer needs to match.  “Non-productive animals” generally refers to animals that are not primarily kept for food production, but rather for purposes like companionship, work, or other specialized uses, such as pets, ornamental animals, or animals used for transport.   

Rosselkhoznadzor said “On March 7, the first batch of feed totalling 12 tonnes was exported from the Kursk region to Iraq. CJSC SK Korocha is certified to export feed and feed additives to countries in the Persian Gulf, the Eurasian Economic Union, and others.”

Since the beginning of this year, SK Korocha has exported 59.8 tonnes of animal feed to Turkmenistan, Turkey and Iraq. The company is part of Miratorg Agroholding’s structure, which also includes a crop-growing division, grain companies, feed and fodder mills, pig-breeding, poultry-breeding, livestock-breeding sites, enterprises for slaughter, processing and advanced processing of products. Miratorg’s main assets are located in the Belgorod, Bryansk, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kursk, Moscow, Oryol, Tula and Smolensk regions.

Further Reading 

Russia-Iraq 2025 Trade & Investment: Update

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