Russia To Develop A Pacific Ocean Port for Belarus Exports To China


Oleg Kozhemyako, the Governor of Russia’s Far Eastern Primorsky territory, has stated that a special port for use by Belarusian exporters will be developed on Russia’s eastern seaboard. The announcement was made after Kozhemyaako met with Alexander Lukashenko, the President of Belarus in Minsk earlier this month. Chinese developers are also interested in the construction work, and the port could become a strategic transit point for cargo transport between Belarus and China. The construction of a Belarusian port is also underway in Murmansk and is expected to be completed by 2028.  

The location of the Pacific Belarusian port will be determined by the end of 2024. Kozhemyako said that “This year we will already decide on the choice of the most convenient location, which must have both depth and existing infrastructure.”

In addition, the construction of a new seaport will contribute to the development of the Northern Sea Route and transit traffic on this transport corridor, which, although characterized by difficult climatic conditions, provides the shortest distance by sea between Asia and Europe.

Experienced port implementation specialists from Belarus have also visited the region.

Before Western sanctions were imposed, Belarus mainly exported to the European Union, and its main ports were operated between Lithuania and Latvia. However, with the adoption of EU restrictions, Belarus has turned to alternative had marine outlets.

China has been a significant investor in Belarus, with many automotive ventures registered at the Great Stone Industrial Park near Minsk airport. The original intent had been to target eastern European markets with Belarus-produced, Chinese auto brands. Instead that production will now be redirected to Russia, as well as to China and elsewhere in Asia. Belarus is also a world-leader in agricultural vehicles such as tractors and highly specialised mining trucks.

The Belarus President has met with China’s President Xi Jinping twice this year, and signed agreements totalling over US$3.5 billion in investments in February. This substantial economic pact signalled not just a strategic partnership but also underscored Belarus’ intention to pivot eastward.

China’s imports from Belarus surged by 65.4% in 2023, while bilateral trade grew by 33% to reach US$7.2 billion.

Further Reading

First Belarus-Chinese JV Autos Arrive In Russia 

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