Russia’s Pivot To Asia – Complimentary Download

Our much-praised Russia’s Pivot To Asia PDF Guide is now available for download. This comprehensive book contains details of Russia’s trade and development with over 80 countries as well as analysis on new supply chain routes, trade agreements, and Russia’s involvement with the BRICS, EAEU, SCO and Belt & Road Initiative. Contents include:

Russia & Europe

Russia Legalizes Parallel Imports, Russia’s New Foreign Policy Concept, Understanding Russia’s Unfriendly Countries List, Sanctions Impact Upon The G7, Russia’s Resilience To Sanctions, Belarus, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Italy

Russia, the Caucasus & Turkiye

Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkiye, Turkiye For BRICS?

Russia & North Africa

Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Egypt & BRICS, Sudan, Sudan and Iran: Impact on Red Sea Shipping

Russia & the Middle East

Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Palestine Non-Recognition & Russia Sanctions Compared, Jordan, Iran, Iran & BRICS, Russia & Iran Financial Connectivity, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Russia-Saudi Multimodal Direct Freight Train, Saudi Arabia & BRICS, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, UAE & BRICS, Yemen

Russia & Central Asia

Russia’s Central Asian Foreign Policy Concept, Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan’s VTB Bank & MIR, Ozon in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Wildberries in Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Mongolian Banks & MIR

Russia & South Asia

Pakistan, Pakistan Applies To Join BRICS, India, India / EAEU Free Trade Agreement, Russia & India Dedollarize, Russia’s Engineering Imports From India Triple, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bangladesh To Join BRICS?

Russia & ASEAN

Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Russian Halal Exports To Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

Russia & Greater China

China, Alfa-Bank in China, Helipay and China, Russia-China Amur Rail Bridge, Chinese Investors Replacing EU Investors in Russia, Ozon in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, China-Russia Trade Dedollarizes

Russia & Far East Asia

North Korea, South Korea, Japan

Russia & the African Continent

Joint Russia-African Bank, Russia Africa Dedollarization, Russia and the Sahel, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Ethiopia To Manufacture Lada Cars For Africa, Ethiopia and BRICS, Somalia, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Tanzania, Mozambique, Nigeria, Nigeria To Join BRICS? Equatorial Guinea, South Africa, Namibia, Angola

Russia & Latin America

Argentina, Brazil, Russia-Brazil 2023 Exports, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Venezuela

Russia’s Membership Of Global Trade Organisations 

Trade Organisations, The Eurasian Economic Union, The Eurasian Development Bank, The Commonwealth of Independent States, The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, SCO: 2023 New Delhi Declaration, Intra-BRICS Trade, The Expanded BRICS, BRICS Countries & Their Free Trade Blocs, BRICS Pay, Twenty More Countries Apply For BRICS, Russia, EAEU Discuss China Co-Ordination, Russia and China’s Belt & Road Initiative, BRICS, EAEU & SCO Discuss Integration

Russia-Asia Transport Corridors

Logistics & Supply Chains, Russia’s Arctic Foreign Policy Concept, Northern Sea Route Development Plan, 2023 NSR Cargo Hits Record Volumes, China, Asia and the Northern Sea Route, Russia’s Freight East Exceeds Its Freight West, Russian Rail Developing Trans-Siberian Capacity, Gazprom Starts Work On Northern Latitudinal Railway, Russia-Asia Freight Up 37% In 2023, The Expansion of the INSTC, INSTC Reduces Reliance On North Asia Routes, Azerbaijan, Russia To Complete INSTC Missing Link, Russian 2023 Seaport Cargo Turnover Increased by 7.8%, Russia Increasing Number Of Container Ships On India-China Routes By 50%, Vladivostok Port Throughput Grows 400% In Two Years

Russia & The Digital Currency Revolution

The Impact of De-Dollarisation, Russia’s Digital Ruble

Russian 2023/24 Productivity

Executive Summary 

A complimentary copy of this guide can be downloaded here.

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