The 2024 Eastern Economic Forum Opens in Vladivostok

The 9th annual Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) opened on Tuesday (September 3) in Vladivostok.  The EEF is Russia’s largest development and investment platform for Asia and is targeted at developing the economy of the Russian Far East and expanding international cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region.

This year’s primary showcase guest is Vietnam, while around 6,000 guests from 76 countries, including China, Malaysia, India, Serbia and others, are expected to attend the three-day event. The forum’s slogan this year is: ‘Far East 2030. Combining Strengths to Create New Potential’.

The initial day is concentrating on Russian trade and relations with Vietnam, and is timed to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the establishment of economic relations between the two countries. Vietnamese trade and investment with Russia has soared since Vietnam signed a Free Trade Agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU effective from 2016.

The EEF 2024 programme features about 100 events, including discussions on opportunities for Russian SME’s on the China market, risk and uncertainty in a multipolar world, and international youth policy in the Asia-Pacific region. Participants will also talk about the expanded BRICS, and Russian logistics connectivity, among other topics.

Key events are:

  • “New Contours of International Cooperation”
    Focusing on multilateral partnerships within organisations such as BRICS, SCO and EAEU, covering topics such as energy transition, digital currency and infrastructure modernisation.

  • “Technologies for Independence”
    Debates innovations in cybersecurity, robotics and the new materials industry.

  • “Financial Value Systems”
    Discusses the protection of intellectual property and commercial arbitration in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • “Russia’s Far East”
    This will focus on government support programmes and preferential treatment in the regions of the Far East.

  • “People, Education and Patriotism“
    Will focus on supporting youth and developing human capital.

  • “Master Plans from Architecture to Economics”
    Considers the instruments of integrated territorial development.

  • “Transport and Logistics: New Routes”
    This forum will discuss the modernization of Far Eastern infrastructure, with a special emphasis on the development of the Northern Sea Route and regional aviation.

The Eastern Economic Forum will also cover domestic Russian topics, including the development of Russia’s Far Eastern Federal District in sectors such as agriculture, tourism, small business and fisheries.

Putin has made a preliminary greetings to the EEF saying that the influence of the Asia-Pacific region in international affairs is “growing fast” and new opportunities for productive cooperation are emerging, including within the Eurasian Economic Community, the SCO, and BRICS.

“I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate that Russia is open to dialogue with all interested partners in the Asia-Pacific region and is determined to actively interact with others to build a fairer, more democratic system of international relations based on genuine equality, with no place for dictates, strong-arm tactics or sanctions pressure,” Putin stated.

Further Reading

Putin Wants Russia’s Largest Companies To Relocate To The East 

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